2Department of Chest Diseases, Izmir Katip Celebi University, İzmir, Türkiye
3Department of Chest Diseases, İstanbul Medeniyet University, İstanbul, Türkiye
The GOLD strategy report is generally accepted as a guide worldwide. However, in our country, where patient evaluation cannot be done fully due to time constraints, our pulmonologists have difficulty in applying complex GOLD treatment recommendations. A COPD treatment strategy report suitable for the realities of our country has not been developed so far. Therefore, we aimed to create a stable COPD pharmacological treatment strategy report that provides rapid patient assessment and treatment planning. Our algorithm does not utilize CAT and FEV1 values for patient evaluation. We recommend switching to LABA and LAMA monotherapy as needed in selected cases. For patients using LAMA, we advise using only SABA as rescue medication. In patients with a dyspnea score of mMRC ≥2 and a high risk of exacerbation, we recommend to start triple therapy initially. Due to insufficient data, we exclude the use of eosinophils as a biomarker in treatment planning. Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors have been omitted from our algorithm due to their unavailability in our country. For patients experiencing at least two infectious exacerbations in the past year despite effective COPD treatment, daily azithromycin treatment may be recommended during winter months and three days a week as needed.